Nursing care recommendation for pediatric COVID-19 patients in the hospital setting: A brief scoping review

Defi Efendi, Faizul Hasan, Regina Natalia, Ayuni Rizka Utami, Ismaila Sonko, Titik Ambar Asmarini, Risna Yuningsih, Dessie Wanda, Dian Sari

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

10 Citations (Scopus)


Background The hospitalization of children during the COVID-19 pandemic has affected their physical and mental health. Pediatric nurses have faced challenges in providing high-quality nursing care for children and their families. However, the pediatric nursing care recommendations for COVID- 19 patients in the hospital setting remain unclear. The current scoping review provides recommendations for nursing interventions for pediatric COVID-19 patients in the hospital setting. Methods and findings The selected articles containing management and nursing recommendations for COVID-19 that have occurred in pediatric patients ages 0-19 years old. A search strategy was developed and implemented in seven databases. We included peer-reviewed articles that reported observational or interventional studies, as well as policy papers, guides or guidelines, letters and editorials, and web articles. A total of 134 articles and other documents relevant to this review were included. We categorized the results based on The Nursing Intervention Classification (NIC) taxonomy which consists of six domains (e.g., Physiological: Basic); eleven classes (e.g., Nutrition Support); and eighteen intervention themes (e.g., Positioning, Family Presence Facilitation, Family Support, and Discharge Planning). Conclusion Apart from the intervention of physical problems, there is a need to promote patient- and family-centered care, play therapy, and discharge planning to help children and families cope with their new situation.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere0263267
JournalPloS one
Issue number2 February
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2022


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