Nilai, Norma dan Keyakinan Remaja dalam Menyebarkan Informasi Sehari-hari di Media Sosial

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This study discusses the values, norms and beliefs of teenagers in disseminating information in social media. The process of disseminating information is not only due to technology that allows information to be disseminated but the presence of culture in social media to redistribute the information obtained. This culture then evolved into a digital habit for social media users. So the purpose of this study illustrates the values, norms and beliefs of teenagers in disseminating information in social media, which understood and underlies adolescents in disseminating information. The research approach used is qualitative with phenomenological method. Data collection methods used interview and observation. The results of this study values, norms and beliefs is a filter for information to be disseminated by adolescents. The value of mutual respect that makes teenagers do not necessarily disseminate information in social media. Norms delivered by parents and teachers at school and their understanding of beliefs have a major influence on teenagers' decisions to spread information.
Original languageIndonesian
Pages (from-to)68-83
JournalJIPI (Jurnal Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi)
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2019

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