Nationalism and Teritorial Dispute Over Dokdo / Takeshima between Japan and South Korea

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Japan relation with neighboring country South Korea, after colonization of Korea (1910), Korean War, Cold War and its aftermath, is a dynamic one until today. The tumultuousrelationship is triggered bay international changes in politic, economy, ideologies, and also from colonization era, independence war, including coexistences rivalry in global competition. In 1910th, Yoshino's though concerning fraternity and opposed Japan colonization of Korea made huge attention among government, intellectual, student and became a zeitgeist of Taisho Democracy.However he failed to avoidmilitary ambition on international conflict toward World War II and Pacific War. Today, Yoshino's Sakuzoo thoughtson world peace brought relevance for international order and our life as an idea hard to realize. Keywords: Dokd
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)117-121
JournalInternational Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2018


  • Dokdo/Takeshima, Japan, South Korea, Yoshino Sakuzo, Nationalism


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