Multi-attribute control chart design for bronze pipe fittings production

I. B.N. Sanditya Hardaya, Aditya Putra Setyana, Isti Surjandari Prajitno, Arian Dhini

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


Quality becomes one of the most important factors for sustaining company competitiveness in this intense industry competition. To control the quality of the ongoing production process, the common method used is Statistical Process Control (SPC), which is basically part of Statistical Quality Control (SQC). The primary tool used in SPC is control chart. Many companies conduct quality control by performing inspections of product defect with more than one defect attributes, or multi-attribute. Such conditions require the use of multi-attribute control chart. However, unlike the research developments in the field of multivariate control charts, little research has been done in the field of multi-attribute control charts. This research proposed a framework of statistical process control for some simultaneously correlated defect characteristics on bronze pipe fittings production process using multivariate np chart (MNP chart). The MNP chart consists of Phase I as the formulation of the initial control limits using the preliminary sample and Phase II as a reference for future statistical process control. The result of Phase I and II of the multiattribute control chart application indicates that there were out-of-control processes, to then be identified and analyzed the main contributor of the cause.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication6th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management in Kuala Lumpur, IEOM 2016
PublisherIEOM Society
Number of pages10
ISBN (Print)9780985549749
Publication statusPublished - 2016
Event6th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management in Kuala Lumpur, IEOM 2016 - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Duration: 8 Mar 201610 Mar 2016

Publication series

NameProceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Volume8-10 March 2016
ISSN (Electronic)2169-8767


Conference6th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management in Kuala Lumpur, IEOM 2016
CityKuala Lumpur


  • Correlated Defect
  • Multi-Attribute Control Chart
  • Quality Control


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