Nadia Husein, Silvia Francina Lumempouw, Yetty Ramli, Herqutanto

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Introduction: MoCA test is very sensitive in MCI screening. This MoCA test originated from Canada, which is differing in terms of culture and language from Indonesia. In order to be applicable in Indonesia, MoCA test have to go through validity and reliability exercises. Aim: To develop Indonesian MoCA test instrument in Bahasa Indonesia, that passed the validaty and reliability test. At the end of the exercise we will get Indonesian MoCA test version that can be used to do cognitive functional assessment for patients in Indonesia. Methods: This research uses cross sectional analysis to measure validity and calculate consensus rate between two physicians on assessment of the same patients in RSCM. Research is performed after review and approval from Indonesian Medical Ethic Comitte in October – November 2009. Validity test is performed using Transcultural World Health Organization ( WHO ) method with reliability analisys test-retest using K (Kappa) statistic. Results: MoCA test validation went trhough 7 steps using the WHO Concept. Results from the research shows that total kappa value between 2 phisicians ( inter rater ) is 0.820, with details for each section are the following : Visuospatial / Executive 0,817; Naming 0,985; and Attention 0,969. Furthermore, for language is 0.990; abstraction 0,957; memory 0,984 and orientation 1,00. Conclusions: Indonesian version of MoCA Test (MoCA-Ina) is a valid test instrument based on transcultural and reliable validation principles. MoCA-Ina is applicable and can be used by Neurologists and General Practicioners to do assessment on patiens in Indonesia.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2010


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