Modified Simulation Learning Method on Knowledge and Attitude of Nursing Student's Cultural Awareness at Universitas Indonesia

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Nursing students should be prepared to be culturally competent nurses. Cultural awareness is believed as the most important elements of cultural competence. The purpose of this article is to describe the effectiveness of Modified Simulation Learning Methods on cultural awareness as one atribute of cultural competence. A quasi-experimental (control group) design was used to explore the relationship between variabels among 98 first year nursing student attending Basic Nursing Concept I course at Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia. The knowledge of cultural awareness was found statistically different between participants in Modified Simulation Methods group (intervention) and participants using the regular method. However, there were no statistical differences in attitude of cultural awareness between intervention and control groups. It could be concluded that Modified Simulation Learning methods is an effective learning method for increasing cultural knowledge of nusing student to be a competent nurse. Further research should be developed in continuing the improvement of cultural competence such as cultural skills.
Original languageEnglish
JournalMakara Journal of Health Research
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2012


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