Modified regenerator `blow test': Compact screen heat exchanger phenomena at small flow rates

Jack Luna, Herbert P. Simanjuntak, Gene Kim, T. H.K. Frederking

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


The size of heat exchanger flow passages may limit performance when the characteristic length of the passage (e.g. Darcy characteristic length Lc) is reduced. We have conducted heat transfer experiments with stainless steel screen regenerator stacks (500 mesh). The data obtained with nitrogen near 1 atm show limitations on the heat transfer at flow rates corresponding to Reynolds numbers Re<<1; (Re based on Lc). The order of magnitude of the thermal conductances has been found to be 10-4 W/(cm2K) in the flow rate range covered.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAdvances in Cryogenic Engineering
PublisherPubl by Plenum Publ Corp
Number of pages7
Editionpt A
ISBN (Print)0306441829
Publication statusPublished - 1991
EventProceedings of the 1991 Cryogenic Engineering Conference. Part 2 (of 2) - Huntsville, AL, USA
Duration: 11 Jun 199114 Jun 1991


ConferenceProceedings of the 1991 Cryogenic Engineering Conference. Part 2 (of 2)
CityHuntsville, AL, USA


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