Modified PSO algorithm based on flow of wind for odor source localization problems in dynamic environments

Wisnu Jatmiko, Petrus Mursanto, Benyamin Kusumo Putro, Kosuke Sekiyama, Toshio Fukuda

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34 Citations (Scopus)


A new algorithm based on Modified Particle Swarm Optimization (MPSO) in order to control autonomous vehicles for solving odor source localization in dynamic advection-diffusion environment have been developed. Furthermore an improvements of the MPSO for odor source localization, which follows a local gradient of the chemical concentration within a plume is investigated. Another popular biomimetic approach in odor source localization problem is anemotaxis. An anemotaxis-driven agent measures the direction of the fluid's velocity and navigates "upstream" within the plume. In this paper, the combination of chemotaxis "MPSO"-based algorithm and anemotaxis will be described. This method is well known-in the animal kingdom as odor-gated rheotaxis (OGR). On the other hand, in real world, the odor distribution is multi peaks especially in obstacle environments. For that reason, a new environment with obstacle will be developed. The purpose of developing the environment is to bridge the gap between very complex, hard-to-understand real world problems (odor dispersion model) and overly simplistic-toy-problem (dynamic bit matching or moving parabola). Simulations illustrate that the new approach can solve Advection-Diffusion odor model problems in such a dynamic odor with obstacle-filled environments.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)106-113
Number of pages8
JournalWSEAS Transactions on Systems
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2008


  • Advection-diffusion
  • Anemotaxis
  • Chemotoxis
  • MPSO
  • OGR
  • Odor source


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