Model Development of Ride Splitting Service with Resource Sharing Scheme on Ride Sourcing (Online Taxi) Services in Jakarta

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3 Citations (Scopus)


This study aims to solve the increasing number of vehicles for ride-sourcing or online taxi service on the road and the operational issues in those services by developing an optimization model of ride-splitting services in the online taxi with a resource sharing (sharing platform) scheme. Ride-splitting service is a ride-sourcing service where one vehicle can serve two or more request customers at a similar time. Meanwhile, the resource-sharing scheme interlinks drivers from different platforms in providing services to the customers. That is, a driver from platform X can serve customers from platform Y and vice versa, with a predetermined profit sharing. We formulate the optimization problem as a new modified weighted bipartite matching and solve the problem using a greedy heuristic method. Based on the simulation, the proposed model can generate higher overall profit for all vehicles serving passengers, use fewer vehicles, and lower passengers’waiting time.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)175-190
Number of pages16
JournalIIUM Engineering Journal
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 4 Jan 2021


  • Greedy Heuristic Method
  • Modified Weighted Bipartite Matching
  • Resource Sharing Scheme
  • Ride Sourcing (Online Taxi) Services
  • Ride Splitting Service


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