Measuring and Benchmarking the Quality Culture Maturity of Construction Companies in Indonesia

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


In February 2018, Indonesian government suspended all big-scale elevated construction projects underway in Indonesia for several months to conduct a thorough investigation. The temporary suspension was triggered because of the prevalent construction accidents, most of which were due to construction failures. Previous studies stated that companies should implement a quality culture to carry out quality management properly. This study aims to measure the maturity level of the quality culture of state-owned, private, and foreign construction companies and compare them using gap analysis. In order to do so, this study has developed a measurement instrument adapted for construction companies based on previous studies, expert judgment, and input from respondents. The results showed that the maturity level of state-owned, foreign, and private construction companies in Indonesia were 64%, 70%, and 53% of the expected condition, respectively. In addition, this study observed eight priority indicators to have a significant relationship with construction failure, whose maturity level needs to be improved to reduce the construction failure rate. Those priority indicators included Inspiration & Motivation, Horizontal Alignment, Progress Monitoring, Feedback from Costumer, Staff Empowerment, Attitude to Quality Improvement, Attitude to Staff, and Training Provision.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2028-2039
Number of pages12
JournalInternational Journal of Engineering, Transactions A: Basics
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2022


  • Benchmarking
  • Construction Companies
  • Quality Culture Maturity


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