Measuring anatomical landmark structures to determine the width of maxillary anterior teeth

Annisa Ayu Larasati, Farisza Gita Mahidin, Muslita Indrasari

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


To determine whether several combinations of landmark structures could be used to determine the width of maxillary anterior teeth. Cross sectional, with 52 subjects (11 male and 41 female) aged 18-35 years. All subjects underwent impression-making of the maxilla using stock tray and irreversible hydrocolloid. Three 3D anatomical landmark structure measurements were taken using a modified digital caliper: right hamular notch to left hamular notch, right hamular notch to papilla insisiva, and left hamular notch to papilla insisiva The widths of maxillary anterior teeth were then measured. The data were analyzed using statistical software. Among patients, there were differences between the distance from right hamular notch to papilla insisiva, as well as from left hamular notch to papilla incisiva, and the width of maxillary anterior teeth. However, the distance between right and left hamular notches or between those notches and papilla insisiva was only able to predict the width of maxillary anterior teeth 25.7% of the time. Anatomical landmark measurements cannot function as a single guide to determine the necessary width of maxillary anterior teeth for denture elements.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)169-174
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of International Dental and Medical Research
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2018


  • Anatomical landmark
  • Denture element determination
  • Width of maxillary anterior teeth


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