Mapping of gold mineralization using 3D inversion magnetic data at Zone X, West Java

Muzzammil Al MacKy, Mohammad Syamsu Rosid, Agus Pajrin Jaman

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


Gold mineralization occurs when the hydrothermal fluid rise beneath the earth's surface. Tectonic activity causes gold mineralization in several depositional environments, one of which is a low epithermal sulfide deposite. This type of deposite is characterized by low temperatures and controlled by many geological structures. The discovery of veins in geological mapping in Zone X needs to be supported by geophysical exploration to identify the distribution of gold mineralized zones. This study aims to identify zones of gold mineralization based on magnetic data. From the results of the study obtained the susceptibility parameters of the 3D inversion process of magnetic data. The results are verified by map of gravity anomalies and geological structures. So that there are 2 interesting blocks which are interpreted as zones of gold mineralization in the southeast-northwest orientation and the depth of the dominant magnetic body at 900 masl to 20 masl.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012034
JournalJournal of Physics: Conference Series
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 27 May 2020
EventSoedirman''s International Conference on Mathematics and Applied Sciences 2019, SICoMAS 2019 - Purwokerto, Indonesia
Duration: 23 Oct 201924 Oct 2019


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