Mangosteen extract inhibits LPS-induced bone resorption by controlling osteoclast

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9 Citations (Scopus)


This study examined the efficacy of fruit hull extracts of Garcinia mangostanaL., in conserving bone structure against LPS-induced bone destruction. Bone destruction was established by injecting mice calvarial bone with LPS. We then treated the LPS-infected calvarial bone with Garcinia mangostana L. extract and alpha-mangostin, respectively, and examined the bone destruction level and osteoclast number after 5 days. The results showed the significant reduction of bone destruction in Garcinia mangostanaL. extract-treated group and in alpha-mangostin treated group. Furthermore, the osteoclast surface area in all treated groups were also significantly reduced. The group treated with Garcinia mangostana L. extract showed the best result in preventing bone destruction compared to the alpha mangostin treated group. Our results demonstrated the therapeutic effect of Garcinia mangostana L. extract as the traditional medicaments against the exuberant osteoclast resorbing activity that hence has the potential to preserved bone quality. Our results demonstrated the therapeutic effect of Garcinia mangostanaL. extract as the traditional medicaments against the exuberant osteoclast resorbing activity that hence has the potential to preserved bone quality.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)362-367
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of International Dental and Medical Research
Issue numberSpecialissue
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • Alpha-mangostin
  • Bone defect
  • Garcinia mangostana L. extract
  • Osteoclast


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