Management of skeletal Class III malocclusion with unilateral crossbite on a growing patient using facemask-bonded rapid palatal expander and fixed appliances

Tinnie Effendy, Benny M. Soegiharto

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Facemask (FM) and bonded rapid palatal expander (RPE) are part of growth modification treatments for correcting skeletal Class III pattern with retrognathic maxilla. This orthopaedic treatment is usually preceded by fixed appliances to achieve aesthetic dental alignment and improve interdigitation. This case report reviews treatment of Class III malocclusion with unilateral crossbite in a 12-year-old boy using FM and bonded RPE, followed by fixed appliances. Choice of FM and bonded RPE was in line with indication which was mild Class III malocclusion with retrognathic maxilla. Execution of treatment was made considering treatment biomechanics and patient cooperation. This orthopaedic treatment was followed by orthodontic treatment specifically aimed to correct unilateral crossbite, canine relationship yet to reach Class I, lower midline shift, as well as unintended dental consequences of using bonded RPE, namely posterior open bite and deepening curve of spee. Posttreatment facial profile and smile are more esthetic. Occlusion is significantly improved both functionally and aesthetically.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)215-219
Number of pages5
JournalAPOS Trends in Orthodontics
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2015


  • Bonded rapid palatal expander
  • Class III malocclusion
  • facemask
  • retrognathic maxilla
  • unilateral crossbite


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