Management of Atypia of Undetermined Significant Thyroid Nodule

Ferucha Moulanda, Ika Dewi Mayangsari

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Thyroid nodules are one of frequent clinical problem with prevalence of 5% palpable nodules. Results of atypia of undetermined significance (AUS) can be found with risk of 5-15% malignancy rates. Management of AUS is still challenging and complex including observation until surgical approach. We present two cases of nodule thyroid. The 1st case of 44-year-old female with nodule of left thyroid lobe for 1 year. Ultrasonography (USG) examination showed TIRADS 4 at left lobe yet the Fine needle aspiration (FNA) resulted as AUS. The 2nd case was 44-year-old male with nodule at left thyroid lobe for 3 years. USG showed TIRADS 5 of left lobe and TIRADS 4 of right lobe meanwhile FNA resulted as AUS. Left hemithyroidectomy was performed for the 1st patient and histopathology examinations showed as struma adenomatous with focus of thyroid papillary carcinoma with follicular variant. Completion thyroidectomy then performed 2 months after the first procedure. Observation was chosen for the 2nd case. Patient has been asymptomatic with close thyroid function and USG follow up. Hemithyroidectomy was performed 6 months afterwards since the mass getting bigger, and histopathology showed papillary carcinoma thus proceed with total thyroidectomy. Management of AUS is still debatable. It can present as heterogeneous lesions with different sub classifications according to cytomorphologic and molecular findings. Considerations of clinical risk stratification, USG findings and FNAB should be combined altogether for the best management and treatment outcome.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2021
Event2nd Global Health and Innovation in conjunction with 6th ORL Head and Neck Oncology Conference (ORLHN 2021) - Mataram, Indonesia
Duration: 23 Jul 202131 Jul 2021


Conference2nd Global Health and Innovation in conjunction with 6th ORL Head and Neck Oncology Conference (ORLHN 2021)


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