Magnetic properties and microstructural characterisation of isotropic nanocrystalline Fe-Nd-B based alloys

Azwar Manaf, P. Z. Zhang, I. Ahmad, H. A. Davies, R. A. Buckley

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44 Citations (Scopus)


The effects of a nanocrystalline structure on the magnetic properties of isotropic melt spun Fe-Nd-B alloy ribbon are discussed. Three classes of alloys are considered: a) low Nd (8-10 at.%) which also contain α-Fe; b) near-stoichiometric Nd contents (11-13 at.%) which are single phase Fe14Nd2B; c) high Nd (16-20 at.%) which also contain a Nd-rich phase. For types a) and b), as the scale of the nanostructure decreases, the remanence Jr is increasingly above Js/2 while the coercivity Hcj is decreased, with a linear Jr-Hcj relationship. No Jr enhancement occurs for type c) alloys, even for a nanocrystalline structure, but rather a decrease due to volume dilution of the Fe14Nd2B phase. These effects are discussed in terms of inter-grain exchange coupling and de-coupling and the implications with respect to permanent magnets with improved properties are considered. In particular, it is demonstrated that the benefits to enhanced Jr in terms of improved energy product are limited by corresponding attenuation of the coercivity.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2866-2868
Number of pages3
JournalIEEE Transactions on Magnetics
Issue number6 pt 1
Publication statusPublished - 1993
EventProceedings of the International Magnetics Conference - Stockholm, Swed
Duration: 13 Apr 199316 Apr 1993


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