LRT's Transit Oriented Development in Jakarta, Bogor and Bekasi: The Urban Infrastructure Development vs Economic Interest

Oktia Hendra, Lita Sari Barus

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


What is so special about Jakarta? It is the capital city of the Republic of Indonesia, and just as central place theory of Christaller, it was becoming the heart of this country. Almost 30 percent of Indonesia GDP is derived from this area. So does the chains of command where executives, legislatives and supreme court based in this “Special” City. Consequently, Jakarta has become magnets for urban dreamers. For centuries people from all over Indonesia migrates to this city for its fortune; either from trading and merchandising, Political Career, down to workers on public and private sectors. Amazingly as Central of Government as well as central for economy, Jakarta still exists despite of huge city problems and complicated urban structures. Along with Jakarta's development, the price for property is rising exponentially for the last 50 years. Price of a square meter land in Menteng Jakarta for example, might exceed the price of a square meter land in Malibu-California. The expansion of infrastructure to the surrounding area of Jakarta at the late of last century create circumstances where demands for rural area development also rose. Suburban area became choices for cheaper housing demands. From 1990 up to now, the growth of suburbs has increased exponentially. The area widely spread from Banten, Tangerang, Depok, Bekasi Further to Karawang. In Northern Part of Jakarta, some high-end developers even reclaimed the shore and creates new elite's islands for the rich. For those exponential growth of suburbs comes problems that seems to have been forgotten. Sea water intrusion for example; comes from a poor urban planning that allowed skyscrapers being built without environmental consent. The abundance of use of deep water also creates uncertain future for this city. Above all, the suburbs and the city itself was built incrementally without proper urban planning to create a sustainable city. The Economic interest seems to overrule the needs of creating sustainable and resilient environment. One thing for sure, the needs of mass transportation system is a must for Jakarta and the surrounding area. LRT is one option among other transportation model to overcome commuting problems surrounding Jakarta. The unique thing about LRT in Jakarta, it is not constructed by the government as part of their duty, instead it was proceeded through Public and Private Partnership. Here comes the next question of how does the conflict between economic interest and urban development arise and how do we construct the solution.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationSustainable Development Approaches - Selected Papers of AUA and ICSGS 2021
EditorsElham Maghsoudi Nia, Iman Farshchi, Lin Yola, Mokhtar Awang
PublisherSpringer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH
Number of pages7
ISBN (Print)9783030999780
Publication statusPublished - 2022
EventAUA Academic Conference in conjunction with 5th International Conference on Strategic and Global Studies, AUA and ICSGS 2021 - Virtual, Online
Duration: 26 Oct 202127 Oct 2021

Publication series

NameLecture Notes in Civil Engineering
ISSN (Print)2366-2557
ISSN (Electronic)2366-2565


ConferenceAUA Academic Conference in conjunction with 5th International Conference on Strategic and Global Studies, AUA and ICSGS 2021
CityVirtual, Online


  • Economic interest
  • Jakarta
  • Light Rail Transit
  • Transit oriented development
  • Urban infrastructure development


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