Lpg & petroleum-based fuel accident analysis at the indonesian national oil company

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Most of road traffic accidents occur in day light with a strong connection with busy traffic and work load. The road traffic accidents at the Marketing Directorate of the Indonesian National Oil Company are dominated by tank truck accidents which contribute 68% of accidents with most accidents occur in time period I (8:00 to 15:59), i.e. 43.9%, followed by time period II (14:00 to 23:59) and III (0:00 to 7:59). This is due to the high workload in period I compared to the other periods. There are aftermath impacts from the tank truck accidents with a total percentage of 4.6% that consist of: spillage, fire, gas cloud, and explosion. Most of these tank truck accidents create third party losses in the form of death, injury, and evacuation. Accident Impact Management by the Emergency Response Team needs to pay attention to the data on accident occurence.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)302-306
Number of pages5
JournalIndian Journal of Public Health Research and Development
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2018


  • Accident time period
  • Emergency Response Team
  • Fuel Terminal
  • Petroleum-base Fuel
  • Road Traffic Safety Management System
  • Tank Truck


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