Low-Grade Osteoarthritis T2-Relaxation Map Values on Ovis aries Stifle Joint: An Ex-vivo Study

Ludwig Andre Pontoh, Jessica Fiolin, Bambang Pontjo Priosoeryanto, Kelvin Halim, Ismail Hadisoebroto Dilogo, Joshua Alward Hardiman

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The ovine stifle joint is one of the most studied animal models and is highly similar to the human knee joint. Early knee osteoarthritis (KOA) is challenging to assess with conventional radiography. The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) T2-map technique can assess cartilage at the subcellular level before alterations in the cartilage surface occur. However, no studies have evaluated the T2-map values for the ovine osteoarthritis (OA) model. A total of 6 ovis aries “sheep” that underwent total lateral meniscectomy of the right hind limb and two control groups were sacrificed in the animal laboratory after 12 weeks of surgery. Then, the stifle joints were transported to the MRI facility in a cool box with a temperature between 2-4oC and subjected to a 3.0 Tesla MRI with a cartigram protocol. The imaging was divided into three compartments (cranial, medial, and lateral). Comparisons with standard negative control were recorded and analyzed. The standard T2-relaxation time for the negative control “sheep” in the lateral vs. medial vs. cranial compartment was (51.5±9.18ms vs. 45.57±3.67ms vs. 54.88±1.56ms; P=0.785). A significantly (P=0.024) different mean T2-relaxation time was found in the OA stifle joint with lateral compartment vs. medial and cranial (68.24±20.26ms vs. 45.57±3.67ms vs. 55.59±5.34ms). MRI T2-mapping evaluation can detect relaxation time changes in sheep’s distal femoral, proximal tibia, and patellar cartilages with low-grade OA. The normal sheep T2 relaxation time ranges from 45.57–54.88ms, while the low-grade OA sheep T2 relaxation time ranges from 45.57–88.50ms throughout compartments, with the indexed compartment significantly showing the highest T2 relaxation time. This study has the potential to function as a dependable source to track changes in OA progression and to evaluate the effectiveness of potential therapeutic agents in sheep and as a model in humans.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1009-1016
Number of pages8
JournalInternational Journal of Veterinary Science
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 16 Oct 2024


  • Low-grade Osteoarthritis
  • MRI 3.0 Tesla
  • Ovis aries
  • Post-meniscectomy
  • T2-map


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