Low carbohydrate – high protein diet does not provide positive effect on P38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (P38MAPK) expression

Hany Aryani, Budi Santoso, Bambang Purwanto

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


P38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38MAPK) is the activity of the p38MAPK pathway in muscle cells causing mitogen-activated disorders that are responsive to stress stimuli, such as cytokines, and involved in cell differentiation, and apoptosis. Characteristic of p38MAPK expression contributes to metabolic signal on the reduction and excessive production of ovarian androgen found among women with endocrine and metabolic disorders. We suspect that p38MAPK expression changes in ovarian granulosa cells. This research aims to observe changes in p38MAPK expression among PCOS-RI mice fed by a low-protein, high-carbohydrate (RKTP) diet. Testosterone propionate was given to induce the PCOS-IR model, 0.1 ml injection of for 28 days intramuscularly on 18 mice. Each mouse was examined for vaginal swabs and ovarian histology. At the end of treatment, the p38MAPK expression score kept increasing and had a significant negative effect with ANOVA test p value = 0.149 (p >0.05). The results of the treatment group posttest showed p38MAPK expression, and there was a decrease compared to the control group. These occurred because the RKTP diet has not been able to stimulate RE stress through the NFKβ pathway, so the NFKβ pathway increased AGEs receptors on granulosa cells that played a role in oocyte maturation as a response in the follicular development process on PCOS-IR model. Moreover, in this research RKTP diet had not been able to reduce p38MAPK expression in granulosa cells in the ovary.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2929-2933
Number of pages5
JournalIndian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2020


  • Insulin resistance
  • P38MAPK expression
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome


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