Local Initiatives In Preventing Coronavirus Based On Health Policy Perceptive

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World Health Organization (WHO) has declared Coronavirus 2019-2020 as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). Local transmission of this disease occurs in almost every country around the world. Likewise, in Indonesia, Covid-19 cases have spread to all 34 provinces. This study aims to analyze the local initiative in handling Covid-19 based on the public health perspective in Indonesia. It is based on time, the form of activity, the type of response, and the contribution of local initiatives. This study used secondary data from various media sources and articles on the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia and community assistance as the keywords. The study used 31 news found in media sources from 34 provinces in Indonesia. Handling Covid-19 has become a concern for the government and the public. The government is implementing physical distancing as a way to handle Coronavirus. For the local community, it is in the form of local initiatives by educating the community, fulfilling PPE, supporting infrastructure facilities, crowdfunding carried out personally or in groups, and doing prevention by wearing masks and doing self-quarantine. Various elements of society have played a role and participated in the movement to eradicate the Coronavirus. Cross-sectoral coordination needs to be intensified for the implementation of comprehensive efforts.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Indonesian Health Policy and Administration
Publication statusPublished - 2020


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