Laboratory pullout response of polyester strap with unanchored V-configuration

Widjojo Adi Prakoso, D. S. Harninto, P. B. Susilowati

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


A series of laboratory pullout tests of polyester straps with unanchored V-configuration were conducted as part of research aimed to understand the behavior of mechanically stabilized earth walls reinforced by polyester straps with anchored V-configuration. The two soils [silty sand (SM) and sandy silt (MH)] and polyester straps used, as well as the test equipment and procedure, are described in details. A total of eight pullout test samples are evaluated, and the relationship between the pullout force and displacements along the strap is analyzed. The results for both soils include the following: (1) significant strain softening in force-displacement curves, (2) polyester strap extensible behavior, (3) "bonded" soil-polyester strap interface behavior at a low pullout force, and (4) increasing peak pullout force with an increase in vertical confining stress. The observed difference is in the relationship between the displacement at the peak pullout force and the vertical confining stress increases.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 2012
Event5th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics of Geosynthetics Asia 2012: Geosynthetics for Sustainable Adaptation to Climate Change, GA 2012 - Bangkok, Thailand
Duration: 13 Dec 201216 Dec 2012


Conference5th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics of Geosynthetics Asia 2012: Geosynthetics for Sustainable Adaptation to Climate Change, GA 2012


  • Interface friction angle
  • MSEW
  • Polyester strap
  • Pullout test


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