Key Factors in Implementing Knowledge Management System based on Project Management (Case Study Pusilkom UI)

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Digital transformation in every public sector (E-government) already happened this past year. Though, from many IT Projects that previously ran, in average only 15% projects that can be said succeed. Many projects that failed caused by bad strategic and planning, bad management of human resources, lack of technological preparation, lousy implementation without proper preparation and proper acceptance testing. IT Projects are very costly, so we need to handle those problems with appropriate project management. One of the best ways to realize appropriate project management is using a project management system that can utilize proper knowledge management as well. Using post-positivism and analyzing the primary data from samples with SEM-PLS, researcher try to research which factors in good knowledge management aspects that can be used in a good project management system to satisfy user needs and make the best benefit for all. For the result, the researcher can know that 1) Quality of System, 2) Quality of Content, 3) Quality of Context and Relation, and 4) Sustainability of System, can improve the User Satisfaction factor which indirectly can increase the Benefit factor gained for all. After this result out, the researcher found Phabricator as the best Project Management System that can comply with all the elements above.

Original languageEnglish
JournalJurnal Administrasi Bisnis Terapan
Publication statusPublished - 30 Jun 2019


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