Kebutuhan perawatan kesehatan keluarga yang merawat pasien tuberkulosis.

Translated title of the contribution: The healthcare needs of families caring for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis

Astuti Yuni Nursasi, Nadya Tiara Sabila, Muhamad Jauhar

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Tuberculosis (TB) is a global public health problem. Families need to meet healthcare needs during the treatment of TB sufferers. This study aims to identify healthcare needs of families caring for patients with the disease. The cross-sectional study involved 83 families caring for TB patients. The research was conducted at a Primary Healthcare Center in an urban area in West Java. The results revealed that 60.2% of caregivers were 18–40 years old, 60.2% were female, 51.8% were senior high school educated, 43.4% were housewives, 86.7% had an income under the regional minimum wage, and 55.4% had cared for the TB patients for 3–6 months. The families had healthcare needs for emotional support (mean 33.72, SD 4.16); information support (mean 33.28, SD 4.09); instrumental support (mean 32.4, SD 3.73); and appraisal support (mean 28.01, SD 5.93). The greatest support need was how to encourage clients to take treatment completely (Score: 140); TB treatment information (Score: 138); financial support for chest x-ray costs (Score: 114); and how to assess patient behavior in maintaining health (score: 133). Based on the study result, the families need to improve their ability to give appraisal support during the patient's treatment. The identification of families’ healthcare needs in caring for patients with pulmonary TB can provide primary data for developing innovative programs integrated with DOTS programs in healthcare services to improve family support.

Translated title of the contributionThe healthcare needs of families caring for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis
Original languageIndonesian
Pages (from-to)110-117
Number of pages8
JournalJurnal Keperawatan Indonesia
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2021


  • Family nursing
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis
  • Support system


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