Kasus Kontrol Hubungan Imunisasi BCG dengan kejadian TB Paru pada anak tahun 2015-2016 OF RABIES IN INDONESIA 2015

R.Evi Sofia Riani, Putri Bungsu Machmud

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Background. Tuberculosis is still a health problem in the world. In 2014 there's an increasing incidence, prevalence and death due to TB in Indonesia. Objectives. The aims of study is to know the risk of not being immunized by BCG on the incidence of Pulmonary TB in children in Sukabumi City 2015-2016 after controlled by age, sex, birth weight, exclusive breastfeeding, Neonatal visits, Vitamin A, Mother's job. While the secondary objectives are to identify the status of BCG immunization and incidence of Pulmonary TB in children and the covariat variabels and knowing the risk of not being immunized by BCG. Also knowing the effectiveness of BCG vaccine in Sukabumi City. Methods. This study used case control design ,which the cases and controls are children under 5 years old in Sukabumi City obtained from regular reports of TB program, immunization, KIA and Nutrition at health office in Sukabumi city. Result. The results of multivariate analysis showed the risk of children not immunized and KN=3 times was 1.13 times higher for pulmonary tuberculosis than the reference. From these results is known that the vaccine efficacy(VE) without interaction is 67 % while the VE with interaction is 82%. Conclusion. The conclusion of this study is that immunization in Sukabumi City is still effective effort to prevent the incidence of Pulmonary TB in children.
Original languageIndonesian
Pages (from-to)321-327
JournalSari Pediatri
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2018


  • BCG immunization, pulmonary tuberculosis at children, tuberculosis

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