Interpretation of surface geological conditions based on Landsat-8 data, DEM and field geological data in the Tulehu geothermal prospect area, Maluku Province

A. Kurniawan, Y. Daud, M. A. Tifani, N. Latuconsina, F. Maulana

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


Tulehu is in the eastern part of the island of Ambon, Maluku. The research area is in some village; Suli, Tial, Tulehu, and Waai, Salahutu District, Maluku Province with a research area size of approximately 10 x 10 km2. It is an area with a high geothermal prospect. Much research has been carried out here to study the geological, geochemical and geophysical conditions of it. The reservoir is estimated to reach more than 230 °C based on geochemistry. This study will focus on discussing the surface geological conditions of the Tulehu area based on the interpretation of satellite imagery and field observations data that have been carried out in the form of structure and rock unit data. This research image of satellite imagery data consists of Landsat 8, and DEM processed using ArcGIS 10.2.1 software. The results show that the study area is composed of 4 rock units which are sequentially from the oldest to the youngest namely Lava Flow (early Pliocene-middle Pliocene), Pyroclastic Flow (middle Pliocene-late Pliocene), Limestone (Pleistocene-Holocene), and Alluvium (Holocene). The structure that works in the study area has NE-SW and NW-SE directions with two main faults that form like basins in parts N and S of Mount Eriwakang. The results of this study are displayed in a surface geological map and are equipped with a geological cross section.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012075
JournalIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 28 Jul 2020
Event3rd Life and Environmental Sciences Academics Forum, LEAF 2019 - Depok, Indonesia
Duration: 11 Jul 2019 → …


  • geological maps
  • geological structures
  • rock unit
  • Tulehu


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