Interfacial reaction in the system AL/SiC metal matrix composites produced by spontaneous infiltration

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


The nature of the interface between the matrix and the reinforcement is one of the key factors influencing the mechanical and physical properties of Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs). Interfacial reactions may occur both during composite fabrication and under service conditions especially while metal is in the liquid state. The successful production, mechanical properties and applications of metal matrix composites are largely dependent upon the properties of the interface between matrix and reinforcement. In MMCs the interface must be optimised for mechanical and chemical compatibility between the metal matrix and the ceramic reinforcement. In MMCs the prime function of the ceramic reinforcements is to support most of the applied load, while the role of the metal matrix is to bind the reinforcements together and to transmit and distribute the external loads to the individual reinforcements. It is found that the the interface of the reaction product between Al and SiC is Al 4C3 and Mg2Si identify XRD. Higher Mg content may increase wettability between matrix and ceramic especially at 8, 10 and 14wt%Mg in the aluminium matrix. Mechanical properties such as density, porosity, hardness and wear resistance also increased with higher Mg content, these might be caused by the present of the phases in the system Al/SiC MMCs.

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2005
EventSAMPE Fall Technical Conference - 37th ISTC - Seattle, WA, United States
Duration: 31 Oct 20053 Nov 2005


ConferenceSAMPE Fall Technical Conference - 37th ISTC
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CitySeattle, WA


  • Al/SiC interface
  • Metal matrix composites
  • Spontaneous infiltration


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