Influence of region, experience, and subjective norm on the use of e-learning: Lesson from the insurance industry in Indonesia

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The effectiveness and efficiency of e-learning system in industry significantly depend on users’ acceptance and adoption. This is specifically determined by external and internal factors represented by subjective norms (SN) and experience (XP), both believed to affect users’ perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use (PEOU). Users’ acceptance of e-learning system is influenced by the immensity of region, often hampered by inadequate infrastructure support. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate behavioral intention to use e-learning in the Indonesian insurance industry by applying Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). To achieve this objective, Jabotabek and Non-Jabotabek regions were used as moderating variables in all related hypotheses. An online survey was conducted to obtain data from 800 respondents who were Indonesian insurance industry employees. Subsequently, Structural Equation Model (SEM) was used to evaluate the hypotheses, and Multi-Group Analysis (MGA) to examine the role of region. The results showed that out of the seven hypotheses tested, only one was rejected. Furthermore, XP had no significant effect on PU, and the most significant correlation was found between PEOU and PU. In each relationship path model, the role of region (Jabodetabek and Non Jabodetabek) had no significant differences. These results were expected to provide valuable insights into the components of e-learning acceptability for the development of a user-friendly system in the insurance industry.

Original languageEnglish
Article number5902
JournalJournal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • e-learning
  • experience
  • region
  • subjective norm
  • technology acceptance model


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