Infeksi pada Ginjal dan Saluran Kemih Anak: Manifestasi Klinis dan Tata Laksana

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Urinary tract infection may be caused by microbes such as bacteria, viruses, dan fungi. The most common etiology is bacteria E. coli Urinary tract infection can be classified based on site of infection, clinical manifestation, abnormalities of urinary tract, and clinical interest. Clinical manifestations of urinary tract infection vary, depends on age, site of infection in urinary tract, and severity of infection or intensity of inflammation. In many children, urinary tract infection is asymptomatic and usually found in preschool children, especially in girl Asymptomatic urinary tract infection commonly is not developed to pyelonephritis. Clinical manifestations of urinary tract infection in children may be acute pyelonephritis, febrile urinary tract infection, cystitis, hemorrhagic cystitis. and asymptomatic urinary tract infection. The management of urinary tract infection consists of eradication of acute infection, detection and treatment of anatomy and functional urinary tract abnormalities, and prevention of recurrent urinary tract infection. The goal of antibiotics administration are to clear the acute infection, prevent urosepsis, and reduce renal damage.
Original languageIndonesian
Pages (from-to)364-374
JournalSari Pediatri
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2018


  • children
  • urine culture
  • urinary tract infection

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