Indonesian Doctors Understanding on Hypertension and its Problems in Daily Practice

Mohammad Saifur Rohman, Nani Hersunarti, Arieska Ann Soenarta, Suhardjono, Adre Mayza, Antonia Anna Lukito, Adrianus Kosasih

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Morbidity and mortality rate of hypertension related disease remain relatively high. However, no survey had been performed in Indonesia up to now regarding the knowledge of hypertension among practitioners, how they choose antihypertensive drugs, the problems and complications due to hypertension faced in daily practice. This study aimed to collect data regarding the knowledge and its application among annual scientific meeting of Indonesian Society of Hypertension (InaSH) participants about hypertension, hypertension management and its problems. This study performed by collecting and analyzing quistionnaires during annual scientific meeting of InaSH 2007 to 2009. The data presented as percentage of the lowest and the highest values. Result of survey analysis concluded that there was a significant increases in participant interest during the first three years of InaSH, with the number of general practioner as large as specialist. The scientific meeting was the major source of information for respondents. As many as 74.5% of respondents measure blood pressure properly. The knowledge about hypertension therapy is quite well, as more than 50% of respondents have addressed all question correctly. The most common target organ damage observed was brain, heart and kidney, whereas the most common cause of uncontrolled blood pressure was irregular medication.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of the Indonesian Medical Association : Majalah Kedokteran Indonesia
Publication statusPublished - 2011


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