Improving the quality of local apples as specialty crops to build competitive advantage in free trade (in Batu, East Java-Indonesia)

Fentiny Nugroho, Retno Kusumastuti, Citra Fathimah Salipi, Laras Wijayanti, Syadza Alifa

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This article introduces a strategy to confront the challenges of globalization, especially free-trade policy. Globalization has a real impact on free trade for apple growers in Batu, East Java. After conducting research on and an assessment of the conditions of apple farmers in Batu, we identified four main problems for apple growers in Batu; their lack of understanding of free trade, weak local institutions, the lack of coordination and partnership with relevant parties in resolving the problems of apple growers, and the fact that local apples are losing to imported apples. In response to these problems, a community program was designed and was conducted to improve the quality of local apples in Tulungrejo village, Bumiaji District, Batu, East Java. Program activities included: 1) Introducing free trade to apple growers and owners of small- and medium-sized enterprises; 2) Strengthening local institutions; 3) Developing partnerships; 4) Revitalizing apple crops; and 5) Enhancing apple branding and packaging. The methods used were focus group discussions and participatory development. This program aimed to turn Batu apples into regional specialty crops, giving a competitive advantage to local apple farmers.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)595-604
Number of pages10
JournalInternational Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research
Issue number24
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • Apple growers
  • Competitive advantage
  • Free trade
  • Globalization
  • Specialty crops


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