Improving Service Coverage and Response Times for Three-Wheeled Mobile Fire Units on Pari Island, Indonesia

Fatma Lestari, Karl Kim, Andrio Adiwibowo, Devie Fitri Octaviani, Micah Fisher, Eric Yamashita

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


Improved service area coverage and response times by mobile fire response units is key to successful fire suppression and risk reduction. In this paper, the challenges of fire suppression in remote island communities are investigated. Small islands not only have limited firefighting equipment and resources but also face significant transportation problems. This study examines Pari, an island in the Pulau Seribu archipelago in Indonesia, to understand the planning and management of mobile fire units (MFUs) for improving effective response and suppression. Like other communities in developing countries, Pari Island uses small three-wheeled MFU vehicles to respond to emergencies in densely populated settlements with narrow roads and limited access. This study reviews environmental, roadway, vehicle, and operating requirements to support planning, management, and operations of MFUs. Service area coverages were estimated using geographic information system tools to investigate factors such as hose length and constraints based on the transportation infrastructure and exposure to fire hazards. Based on existing conditions, increasing hose length to 20 m would increase the coverage of the MFU service area by two times that of the existing service. The use of a 30-m hose could provide coverage to over 96% of residential structures on Pari Island. In addition to describing the analytical tools including coverage zones, receiver operating characteristic, and area under the curve metrics to support MFU planning and operations, this paper highlights other initiatives that could increase resilience against fires and other hazards threatening small island communities.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationTransportation Research Record
PublisherSAGE Publications Ltd
Number of pages12
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2023

Publication series

NameTransportation Research Record
ISSN (Print)0361-1981
ISSN (Electronic)2169-4052


  • and business continuity
  • disaster response
  • emergency response
  • emergency service function
  • general low volume roads
  • infrastructure
  • low-volume roads
  • recovery
  • roadway design
  • sustainability and resilience
  • transportation and society
  • transportation in the developing countries


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