Improvement Legal Aspects and Completeness of Documentation using Electronic Nursing Record: A Report Study

Rr. Tutik Sri Hariyati, Krisna Yetti, Retno Purwandari, Effy Afifah

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Background: Completeness of documentation as a legal aspect and proof a nursing activity. Nothing documentation means nothing activity.
Objective: The Purpose of research to identify the legal aspect and completeness of nursing documentation after applying electronic nursing documentation.

Methods: Report study approach and using pre and post-test with the control group. Thirty Four documentation collected using consecutive sampling on one-week observation before and after using electronic nursing information. The research compared the legal aspect and completeness of data conducted before and after the implementation of the new system.
Results: The study showed improvement of the legal aspects increased by 50% (4,40 to 8,00) and completeness documentation by 10.39% (43,00 to 49,00) after used of a system.

Conclusion: Nursing Electronic Documentation improved legal aspect, completeness nursing and enhance the quality of nursing care.

Recommendation: Electronic nursing documentation can be done to support and increase the quality of nursing.
Original languageEnglish
JournalInternational Journal of Nursing and Health Services
Publication statusPublished - 2018


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