Implementation of Storytelling-Based Hand Washing Education to Educate Elementary School Children in South-East Asia

Aurelle Khadeeja Rizany, Jesslyn Christabella, Natasha, Benso Sulijaya

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review


Hand washing is an essential thing in life. Unfortunately, there are still many children who do not know how to wash their hands properly or apply handwashing in their daily lives. Until now, the health literacy of children in Indonesia is very low. In fact, hand washing is a simple thing that should be taught to children from an early age. If this is allowed many diseases can manifest in the future. Therefore, a cutting-edge solution is needed to deal with this problem towards the Industrial Revolution 4.0. To analyze the implementation of storytelling-based methods to educate elementary school children on the importance of hand washing. From the PubMed, Science Direct, and Wiley databases last accessed 15 October 2022, one hundred and fourteen (114) search results were filtered using PRISMA 2009 as sources with three (3) main data in the form of clinical studies that had been screened according to the criteria. inclusion and exclusion and processed using the study tool from NIH. Storytelling is a powerful communication method to support the transfer of complex information into simple ones. The benefits of storytelling have been proven by scientific studies. The implementation of storytelling in handwashing education has been proven to have an effective and efficient impact. The implementation of the storytelling method has effectiveness and efficiency that is able to support education about hand washing and can be implemented in Indonesia.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)905-908
Number of pages4
JournalJournal of International Dental and Medical Research
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • Education
  • Hand Washing
  • Storytelling


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