Implementation of IncCond algorithm to optimize PI boost converter for maximum power point tracking in photovoltaic arrays

Slamet Slamet, Rasli Bin Abd Ghani, Fuminori Kobayashi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This paper presents an incremental conductance (IncCond) algorithm optimized Proportional Integral (PI) controller for maximum power point tracking (MPPT) in photovoltaic (PV) arrays. In the proposed method, Modified IncCond algorithm is used for optimizing the maximum available power in uncertainty occurs of the temperature and solar radiation. Furthermore, PI in boost converter is used to ensure the steady state conditions more quickly and eliminate the power losses in switching. Tuning method is applied for determining control parameters by using zigler-nichols and trial – error procedures. The simulation results demonstrate the excellent performance which can effectively improve in tracking speed and accuracy of maximum power. The controller response is able to achieve stable conditions around 0.01 seconds, which is three times faster to equal with the input voltage. Simulation results showed that the PV system becomes more efficient as proven by the changes in irradiance conditions by having average power efficiency is 99.35%, error is 0.65%, which is half the existing one.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)21-24
Number of pages4
JournalJurnal Teknologi
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2014


  • Boost converter
  • Inccond algorithm
  • Photovoltaic
  • Power efficiency


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