Implementation of Breastfeeding Friendly Policy in a Factory: A Qualitative Study among Occupational Health and Safety Coordinators in Indonesia

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Background: Not all mothers are able to breastfeed or pump milk. Return-towork has been identified as a major and significant barrier to continue breastfeeding, due to improper lactation facilities at the workplace. This study aimed to explore the implementation of breastfeeding friendly policy at factories, from the perspective of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) coordinators.
Methods: A qualitative survey conducted in eight factories, using an adjusted openended questionnaire to OHS coordinators in manufacture and garment factories in an industrial area in East Jakarta. The results are presented in a descriptive display matrix and listing, without any statistical analysis. Key and most relevant suggestions and inputs from respondents are presented in the form of quotations to support the pattern found from the survey.
Results: Eight respondents in-charge for the occupational health and safety division participated in this study; all worked in the current factory for more than five years, and four of them were medical doctors. All respondents reported that their factory formally implemented the governmental regulations. However, three respondents reported that their factory provided a multifunctional lactation room, shared with the company’s clinic. All of the factories granted a flexible breast-pumping break time during working hours, but only one respondent reported an annual lactation education class provided in the factory. None of the respondents reported a nutrition intervention and dedicated lactation counselor provided in their factories.
Conclusion: This qualitative study among OHS coordinators in factories revealed that there is still lack of breastfeeding policy implementation in factories.
Original languageEnglish
JournalBiomedical Journal of Scientific and Technical Research (BJSTR)
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 6 Jan 2020


  • Breastfeeding
  • Lactation
  • occupational health and safety
  • Women Workers


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