Impact of Rural Industrialization Against the Reproductive Health of Women Workers in the Industrial Sector in Sukabumi

Martya Rahmaniarti, Dewi Susanna, Tris Eryando, Dian Pratiwi

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Changes in the economic system from agriculture into manufacturing helped provide employment, especially female workers. Women workers has been imaged as an ideal worker skilled, diligent, conscientious and obedient and work for less. Industrialization enabling various changes and cumulative impacts. One is the impact on Maternal and Child Health (MCH) and reproductive health (reproductive health). In Sukabumi, the number of mothers dying in 2012 as many as 76 people with the highest percentage caused by eclampsia, bleeding and infection. The number of babies dying as much as 491 people with the highest percentage of low birth weight due. In mid 2013, the maternal mortality reached 31 people. The number of cases of HIV Aids in Sukabumi in 2011 amounted to 14 people in 2012 amounted to 22 people and in 2013 had reached 69 people, nearly 80% of people with HIV and AIDS (PLHIV) is derived from their productive age between 19-50 years or working age. A very significant figure in line with the development of industrialization in Sukabumi quite rapidly. This study was to determine the extent of rural industrialization impact on the reproductive health of women workers in the industrial sector Sukabumi. The output of this research as a decision support and intervention programs on reproductive health for women workers in the industrial sector in Sukabumi.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4-5
JournalResearch Journal of Biological Sciences
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2017


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