“I’m Not Satiety Without Rice”: Phenomenological Study of Barrier and Weight Loss Efforts in Home Settings

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The prevalence of obesity around the world is relatively high. Obesity management takes a long time and high disciplinary. This can increase the noncompliance with obesity treatment. Family is a support system that can help obesity management. The study explored family experiences regarding the efforts and barriers to obesity management in a home setting. This study used a descriptive phenomenological research design. The seventh families who lived in Depok City were selected using purposive sampling. Inclusion criteria included 1) having family members who were overweight/ obese, 2) obese family members who did not have comorbid diseases, 3) informants who did not have a chronic disease. A semi-structured interview was used to collect data. The data analysis used Colaizzi’s method. Four themes emerged, including 1) nutrition management efforts, 2) weight loss efforts, 3) unhealthy nutritional behavior patterns, 4) desire to achieve normal conditions. Family plays a vital role in obesity management in the home setting. Nurses can optimize the family’s functions by provid-ing home visits. Family counselling is needed to reduce weight management barriers.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)61-70
Number of pages10
JournalUnnes Journal of Public Health
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2023


  • Family
  • Obesity
  • Obesity Management
  • Overweight
  • Weight Loss


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