Iconic culinary as an icon for tourism destination's branding

Riska Inki Fitria, Irwansyah, Effy Zalfiana Rusfian

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


A tourism destination, especially in developing countries faced a challenge to create a specific positioning that is different from other destinations. A potential way to establish is by looking into item that really attached with the destination specifically on culture and local wisdom, one of them is iconic culinary as part of the destinations culture. The objective of this research is to observe an understanding on the reason of iconic culinary could be used as tourism destination's icon and to analyze how it can take a part in destination branding process through qualitative methods. By investigating on symbolic and functional dimensions of iconic culinary and analyzing tourism destination branding process, this study found that iconic culinary has a tight association with destination. Moreover, it also performs as a primary role to represent tourism destination identity in destination branding. The purpose of this research is to observe an understanding on the reason of iconic culinary could be used as a tourism destination's icon. This study describes a thoughtful analysis on symbolic and functional dimensions of iconic culinary. It is also to understand and analyze on how the iconic culinary as a destination's icon takes part in tourism destination's branding process.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4589-4593
Number of pages5
JournalSocial Sciences (Pakistan)
Issue number19
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • Culture
  • Destination branding
  • Icon
  • Iconic culinary
  • Tourism destination


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