Hyaline Cartilage Regeneration on Osteochondral Defects by Intraarticular Injection of Human Peripheral Blood CD34+ Stem Cells, Hyaluronic Acid and Growth Factor In a Rat Model

Basuki Supartono, Errol Untung Hutagalung, Ismail, Arief Boediono, Toshiro Shirakawa, Samsuridjal Djauzi, Ahmad Aulia, Nuryati Chairani Siregar, Jacub Pandelaki, Adang Bachtiar, Katsumi Shigemura

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The knee joint cartilage often suffers from defect and it causes serious health problem. CD34+ stem cells have been studied to heal bone fracture however the cells has never been studied to repair cartilage. This study also focuses on the use of scaffold and growth factor affecting the healing of cartilage defect using CD34+ cells. This is the first study reporting hyaline cartilage regeneration on osteochondral defect with intra articular injection of human peripheral blood CD34+ (HPB CD34+) cellated on the trochlear region of Sprague Dawley (SD) rats. A total of 30 male SD rats were randomly divided into 3 groups; the control group received PBS, experimental group 1 received HPB CD34+ cells, and experimental group 2 received HPB CD34+cells, hyaluronic acid, and growth factors (TGF-ß1, IGF-1, FGF, fibronectin). Laboratory, radiology, macroscopic and microscopic evaluations were done on week 4th and 8th. At week 4th and 8th, both experimental groups showed the defects fully filled with hyaline cartilage but not in control group. In conclusion, human peripheral blood CD34+ stem cells can generates hyaline cartilage of osteochondral defects in a rat model.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-10
JournalBiomedical Journal of Scientific and Technical Research (BJSTR)
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 18 Jul 2018


  • Stem Cell; CD34 + Cell; Hyaline Cartilage Regeneration; Osteochondral Defect; Knee Joint; Scaffold; Growth Factors


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