Hubungan Antara Kepribadian Proaktif dan Perilaku Kerja Inovatif di BUMN X

Retno Windiarsih, Arum Etikariena

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This study investigates the correlation between proactive personality and innovative work behavior. This study was conducted among 135 employees working in 4 departments in BUMNXthat has been developing an innovation in their work activity. Measurement of IWB refers to Innovative Work Behavior Scale, with α= 0,97, and measurement of proactive personality used Proactive Personality Scale with α= 0,73. The results using Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation showed there is a significant relationship between proactive personality and innovative work behavior (r=0,49, p < 0,05). Thus, the higher the proactive personality, the higher intensity in displaying innovative work behavior. This study also found there are correlations between demographic factors such as gender and tenure organization with innovativework behavior.
Original languageIndonesian
Pages (from-to)123-134
JournalJurnal Psikogenesis/Univ Yarsi
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2017


  • nnovative work behavior, proactive personality, BUMN X

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