How Enterprise Architecture Enhances the National Health Information System in Supporting the COVID-19 Response in Indonesia

Rod Dilnutt, Sherah Kurnia, Safirotu Khoir, Anis Fuad, Guardian Y. Sanjay, Hafizh Rafizal Adnan, Achmad Nizar Hidayanto

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


The COVID-19 pandemic has negative impacts on human well-being with significant consequences on social, economic, political, legal, and technological aspects of society. A key challenge in managing the pandemic particularly in developing countries is the lack of integrated health data. Previous research indicates that an Enterprise Architecture (EA)-driven national initiative has the potential to mitigate data integration issues. However, in-depth study of how EA initiatives provide a systematic solution to national health data integration in the context of COVID-19 data management is lacking. Using Indonesia as a study context, we conducted an in-depth case study to systematically explore factors affecting the current COVID-19 data integration issues and investigate how EA helps overcome the problems. In this research in progress paper, we present our initial research findings and outline our future research plans. When completed, our study contributes to IS research specifically in the EA domain and has important practical implications.

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2021
Event32nd Australasian Conference on Information Systems: Information Systems for a Sustainable Future, Connectedness, and Social Good, ACIS 2021 - Sydney, Australia
Duration: 6 Dec 202110 Dec 2021


Conference32nd Australasian Conference on Information Systems: Information Systems for a Sustainable Future, Connectedness, and Social Good, ACIS 2021


  • COVID-19
  • enterprise architecture
  • health data integration
  • Information Systems
  • interoperability


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