How are Holiday Photography Startups “Disrupting” Indonesia Tourism Business?

Marya Yenny, Kadek Wiweka, Suci sandi Wachyuni, Putu pramania Adnyana

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Purpose of the study: The empowerment of local communities is currently an interesting issue in tourism development. This study aims to examine the forms of involvement of local communities in Lake Toba and to analyze their level of participation. This research begins by identifying the tourism potential of Lake Toba through the attribute theory of tourist destinations (attraction, accessibility, amenities, accommodation, and ancillary service).
Methodology: Multi-method approaches are used to examine this phenomenon. The qualitative method is conducted by non-participant observation in research locations to see the locals’ behavior in Lake Toba in terms of the acceptance of tourism activities. The quantitative method is conducted by distributing questionnaires with 90 randomly chosen respondents (local communities) regarding their perspective toward their participation in tourism development. The collected data will be processed and combined and will also be studied using Arnstein’s model as the main measuring instrument in discussing the level of local community participation in the destination.
Main Findings: The result of this research is that Lake Toba has the potential to attribute tourist destinations on the 5A system. In terms of the level of local community participation, the community response to its involvement in tourismdestination attributes in Lake Toba can be categorized in the “partnership” phase.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)62-77
JournalSouth Asian Journal of Social Studies and Economics
Publication statusPublished - 2020


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