Growing households' income through non-timber forest products

Sudaryanto, Gemilang Khairinissa, Suyud Warno Utomo, Tarsoen Waryono

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


Population pressure to the forest is caused by the difficulty in fulfilling their needs. The condition then leads to unequal access to the resources and threatens the forest. A system of community forest management are necessary (Svendsen, 2009, Cheng, 2011, Tiwari, 2014). This study aims to evaluate the economic impact of coffee agroforestry and tourism businesses in Tugu Utara village, Cisarua, Bogor regency. This is quantitative research. The data colecting method used is suvey of saturated sampling method. The data are sells of cherry coffee, income from tourism activities and households' expenses in 2018. The households income and expenses data were analyzed to find the contribution of households expenses. The results of the study showed that the expenses of households in 2018 was IDR 2,875,000/family/month. The average of households' income from the forest-based tourism activities is IDR 1,115,600/household/month and the income from cherry coffee sales in 2018 is IDR 1,770,800/family/month. The percentage of monthly income compared to households' expenses is 100%. This study concludes that the needs of household can be fulfilled from the coffee agroforestry income added with income from the forest-based tourism activities.

Original languageEnglish
Article number02004
JournalE3S Web of Conferences
Publication statusPublished - 21 Jan 2020
Event3rd International Conference on Agricultural and Life Sciences, ICALS 2019 - Jember, Indonesia
Duration: 31 Jul 20192 Aug 2019


  • Coffee agroforestry
  • Forest management
  • NTFP income
  • Population pressure
  • Restoration


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