Donny H. Hamid, Manfaluthy Hakim, Fitri Octaviana, Ahmad Yanuar

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Introduction: The severity of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) majority is due to large number of available techniques electrophysiology examinatio , especially the internal comparison to median nerve before and after across the carpal tunnel and compared to adjacent nerves which not across the carpal tunnel as the ulnar or radial nerves. The Lumbrical-interossei is a sensitive and an easy measurement technique which will be utilized in grading the severity of CTS. Methods: This research is a retrospective study, which is collecting the data of electrodiagnostic test of the CTS patients in electrophysiology laboratory Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital during 2010. Lumbrical-interossei latency difference (starts from > 0, 4 ms ) compared to the CTS grading by Jeremy. Results: There was a strong significantly correlation between lumbrical-interossei latency difference and the severity of Jeremy grading (Sperman correlation = 0,887) p < 0.001. Linear regression analysis shows Grading Jeremy = 1, 46+ (0, 74 X lumbrical-interossei latency difference) in 69% accuracy. Lumbrical-interossei latency difference in range 0,41 – 1,00 ms is compatible with mild (100% ), 1,01 – 2,69 ms is compatible with moderate (89% ) and > 2,69 ms with severe grading (95%). Conclusions: The higher lumbrical-interossei latency difference found in more severe CTS grading by Jeremy with equalization in Jeremy grading = 1,46+(0,74xlumbrical-interossei latency difference) with 69% accuracy. Lumbrical – interossei technique can be used in determining the severity of CTS.
Original languageIndonesian
Publication statusPublished - 2011

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