GENTURE (Oxygen Adventure Game) As A Preventive Measure to Reduce the Incidence of Lung Cancer By Lowering Tobacco Use

Dian Asri Dwi Nugrahani, Prihatini Dini Novitasari, Nuikita Wachid, Riri Maria

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Objective: Tobacco use in Indonesia was among the highest in the globe. Moreover, its prevalence constantly increased among children and adolescents. Therefore, nurses need to identify an innovative way to prevent these age groups from tobacco use. This study aimed to propose the use of Oxygen Adventure Game (GENTURE) as a preventive measure to reduce the incidence of lung cancer by lowering tobacco use. Methods: Literature review was performed using textbooks, electronic databases and websites published in 2006-2016. The search terms of 'lung cancer', 'gaming', 'tobacco use', and 'disease prevention' were entered to obtain the relevant articles. Results: The articles reviewed the roles of nurses included as educators, facilitators, consultants, advocates, and coordinators of services in health promotion and disease prevention. The articles also presented health promotion for smoking prevention and cessation to reduce the burden of lung cancer. The articles, furthermore, indicated games as one of the suggested approaches used in health promotion. A game application called GENTURE is proposed targeting children and adolescents to prevent them from smoking behaviors. The game application allowed the users to experience the journey of oxygen passing through the lungs exposed by cigarette smokes. Conclusion: Health promotion of smoking cessation and prevention targeting children and adolescents require the use of innovative approaches. This study suggested the use of GENTURE, a game application, to educate children and adolescents about the dangers of tobacco use to their lung health.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2017
EventInternational Nursing Student Symposium and Festival - ID, Depok, Indonesia
Duration: 1 Jan 2017 → …


ConferenceInternational Nursing Student Symposium and Festival
Period1/01/17 → …


  • Smoking; Lung; Cancer; Health; Games.


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