Gambaran persepsi auditori CAP-II pada anak tuli prelingual bilateral 6-12 bulan pasca implantasi koklea

Wresty Arief, Semiramis Zizlavsky, Harim Priyono, Luh Karunia Wahyuni

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Background: Prelingual deaf in children will cause the sufferers to loose their function of hearing and speaking, thus, are unable to hear and speak, and impacting on their ability to communicate, to grow psychologically, and on their overall life quality. Cochlear implant comes as a habilitating device especially mainly for children with severe and profound deafness. Purpose: This study described the children's characteristics at 6-12 months after cochlear implantation, by evaluating their auditory development, and other factors influencing the output. Method: A descriptive cross sectional study, conducted on 36 subjects, evaluating the subjects by using the global observation method of Categories Auditory Performance (CAP)-II. Results: The median hearing age was 8.9 months, the median score of CAP-II was 3 (minimum 2-maximum 7), and 33.3% of subjects reached high CAP scores (CAP score of ‰¥ 5). Conclusion: CAP-II score would increase in children after cochlear implantation, which could be evaluated in 6 months after the implantation.
Original languageIndonesian
Pages (from-to)1-10
JournalOto Rhino Laryngologica Indonesiana
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2018


  • cochlear implant
  • auditory perception
  • categories auditory performance-II

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