Faktor Lingkungan Fisik Rumah, Respon Biologis dan Kejadian TBC Paru di Indonesia

A.h. Mahpudin, Renti Mahkota

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Globally, Tuberculosis (TB) is an important public health problem until today. Based on WHO report, about 8 millions of new TB cases are found every year. Indonesia is the third biggest contributor country of TB cases after India and China with estimated number of 627.047 infected and 282.946 with positive smear test (BTA) in 2003. The objective of this study is to understand the relationship between house environment condition, socio-economic factor, biological response and TB. This study used secondary source of data from National TB Prevalence Survey (SPTBC) and National Social and Economic Survey (Susenas) in 2004. The study design used is case control study, with ratio of case and control of 1:4. The study population is >15 years old age group. The number of sample is 380 persons, consisting of 76 cases and 304 controls. Cases are people with positive sputum test and controls are people with negative sputum test selected randomly. The study results show that factors associated with TB are the presence of contact source in one house with OR 3.46 (1.316-9.091), condition of the house with soil floor OR 2.2 (1.135-4.269) and private income OR 2.145 (1.249-3.683). According to those findings, it was recommended to the policy maker to conduct active case finding program for the low-income group of people, early detection, quick treatment, active case finding program, and healthy housing for the poor.
Original languageIndonesian
JournalKesmas: National Public Health Journal
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2007

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