Faktor dominan premenstrual syndrome pada mahasiswi (studi pada mahasiswi fakultas kesehatan masyarakat dan departemen arsitektur fakultas teknik universitas indonesia)

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Background. Premenstrual syndrome is a complex of symptoms, including physic, psychology, and emotion that is experienced by some women, 7-14 days before the women’s period, caused by hormonal changes related to ovulation. Which is often perceived symptoms are a change in mood, muscle pain, and abdominal pain. PMS in young women can disrupt the activity and concentration of learning. Objective. The purpose of this study was to determine the risk factors related to PMS in female student of Universitas Indonesia. Method. The research used a cross-sectional study design with consecutive sampling method. A sample of this study was 130 students at FKM and Architecture Departement of Universitas Indonesia. Data collected include PMS occurrence, stress level, physical activities, intake of micronutrient (pyridoxine, vitamin D, calsium, magnesium), sleep pattern and nutritional status. Results. The result showed 36.9% of the subject had moderate to severe PMS level. There was relationship between stress level (p= 0.001), pyridoxine intake (p=0.003), Mg intake (p=0.044), sleep pattern (p=0.006) with PMS. Sleep pattern (OR=3.580) was the most dominant influence of premenstrual syndrome. A student with poor sleep pattern had experience PMS 3.580 higher than a student with good sleep pattern. Conclusion. The researcher recommends the University able to give health promotion related to PMS, the importance of good sleeping pattern, stress management, and the importance of micronutrient intake.
Original languageEnglish
JournalMedia Gizi Mikro Indonesia (MGMI)
Publication statusPublished - 2018


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