Faktor Dominan Konsumsi Buah dan Sayur pada Remaja di SMPN 98 Jakarta

Nur Asih Anggraeni, Trini Sudiarti

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Consumption of fruits and vegetables in Indonesia, especially in South Jakarta, is still very low. The aim of this study was to determine the dominant factor associated with fruit and vegetable consumption among teenagers in Junior High School 98 Jakarta. A cross sectional study design and stratified random sampling were used in this study with primary data among 208 respondents grade VII and VIII in Junior High School 98 Jakarta from April until Mei 2017. Data were collected through individual questionnaire and two time 24-hour food recall interviews. Statistical analysis used were correlations and regression test, independent t-test, and multiple regression linier. The result of this study showed the average of fruit and vegetable consumption among student in Junior High School 98 Jakarta is 85.1±26.58 g/day. Meanwhile, according to WHO, recommendation of fruit and vegetable consumption is 400 g/day. Multivariate analysis (the highest beta value= 0.204) showed mother education level is the dominant factor associated with fruit and vegetable consumption, once controlled by self-efficacy, physical activity, parents influence, mass media exposure, and fruit and vegetable availability. Therefore, nutrition education is needed to be done among schools to increase fruit and vegetable consumption in teenagers.
Original languageIndonesian
Pages (from-to)18-32
JournalIndonesian Journal of Human Nutrition
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2018


  • fruit and vegetable consumption
  • Junior High School teenagers
  • mother's education level

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